Personal Stories: sharing experiences

My name is Carmela, and I am going to tell you about my journey with epilepsy. I was first diagnosed with epilepsy in September 2019. It all started with some unusual movements in my eyes when exposed to the sun, but I thought I was just blinking slowly. My friends began to notice these movements and said that it was kind of strange, that I might need glasses or that I should go see a doctor. I told my parents, and they took me to the neurologist for tests. Weeks after, they gave me the diagnosis. Now, I am doing very well with a medication that reduces my “blinking” by almost 100% due to it being photosensitive. I live a normal life and don't let it affect my everyday life while still being cautious and responsible.

Carmela Tekiel

I was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy when I was 8 years old. With the guidance of my neurologist, a tailored medication regimen, and the unwavering support of my loved ones, I've learned to manage my symptoms and recognize the signs of an impending episode. I've also joined support groups, which have been a cornerstone in my journey, connecting me with others who share similar experiences. Today, while my journey with temporal lobe epilepsy is ongoing, it's become a part of who I am. It's taught me resilience, compassion, and the profound value of community. Every day is a testament to human strength, adaptability, and the power of connection.


I'm Mora, and I was diagnosed with epilepsy very recently. This diagnosis changed my whole life and my perception of myself. Specifically, I have generalized seizures, which can be quite scary because it compromises my whole body, and I don't remember anything. While I strive to focus on the brighter side of life, I'm diligent about my medication and always conscious of my environment. Initially, depending on others felt weird to me, but with time, I've embraced the support. I've learned to adapt and thrive, realizing that this journey, though unexpected, is a part of who I've become.

Mora De Maria